Computer & its Fundamental Classifications

Asiya Mazhar
5 min readJun 9, 2021



A computer is an electronic information handling gadget, which acknowledges and stores information input, performs the processing of the information input, and produces an output in a necessary data format.


Functionalities of a Computer:

If we take a gander at it in a wide sense, any computerized PC completes the accompanying five generics functionalities.

· Step 1: Takes information as data input.

· Step 2: Stores the information/guidelines in its memory and utilizations them as required.

· Step 3: Processes the information and converts it into valuable data.

· Step 4: Produces the output.

· Step 5: Controls all the above-mentions four stages.

Generic functionalities of a computer

Classification of Computer

The basis of classification of computers is mainly on the type, size & purpose of use of the computers.

Classification of computer based on the types

A. Classification of Computers based on Types:

We can sort PCs based on information taking care of abilities and size. Based on information dealing with capacities, the PC is of three kinds.

1. Analogue Computer

· Analogue PCs are intended to deal with simple information.

· Analogue information is nonstop information that changes constantly and can’t have discrete qualities like speed, temperature, pressing factor, and current.

· The simple PCs measure the ceaseless changes in the actual amount and by and large render yield as a perusing on a dial or scale.

· Analogue PCs straightforwardly acknowledge the information from the estimating gadget without first changing it over it into numbers and codes.

· Speedometer and mercury thermometer are instances of simple PCs.

Analogue Computer

2. Digital Computer

· Digital PC is intended to perform computations and legitimate activities rapidly.

· It acknowledges the crude information as digits or numbers and cycles it with programs put away in its memory to create yield.

· All current PCs like workstations and work areas that we use at home or office are computerized PCs.

Digital Computers

3. Hybrid Computer

· Hybrid PC has highlights of both simple and computerized PC.

· It is quick similar to a simple PC and has memory and precision like advanced PCs.

· It can deal with both persistent and discrete information.

· So, it is broadly utilized in particular applications where both simple and computerized information is prepared.

· For the model, a processor is utilized in petroleum siphons that change over the estimations of fuel stream into amount and cost.

Hybrid Computers

B. Classification of Computers based on Size:

Classification of computer based on the size

1. Supercomputer

· These computers the biggest and are speedy and expensive computers, created in 1976 by Roger Cray.

· They are specifically manufactured for processing bulk of data at a time.

· They have numerous integrated and inter-connected processors that process trillions of processing instructions at a time.

· These computers are used in engineering and scientific software like nuclear energy researches, weather forecasting, scientific simulations, the launch of a rocket into space, etc.

Super Computers

2. Mainframe Computers:

· Mainframe PCs are intended to help hundreds or thousands of clients all the while.

· They can uphold various projects simultaneously.

· It implies they can execute various cycles at the same time.

· These highlights of centralized server PCs make them ideal for large associations like banking, Airport, and telecom areas, which need to oversee and handle a high volume of information.

Mainframe Computer

3. Minicomputer:

· A minicomputer is a PC that lies between the primary edge and the microcomputer.

· It is a moderate size multiprocessing PC.

· It comprises at least two processors and can uphold 4 to 200 clients all at once.

· Minicomputers are utilized in organizations and divisions for the errands like charging, bookkeeping, and stock administration.

· It Uses for workers, information base, gaming workers, and so forth.


4. Microcomputer:

· A microcomputer is otherwise called a PC.

· It is a broadly useful PC that is intended for singular use.

· It has a microchip as a focal preparing unit, memory, stockpiling region, an input unit, an output unit.

· Types of microcomputers:

o Personal/Desktop PC

o Workstation

o Laptops

o Mobiles/Tablets

o Embedded ex: savvy TV, keen watches, and so forth

Micro Computer (Personal Computer)

C. Classification of computers based on purpose:

Classification of Computer, based on the purpose

1. General Purpose Computers:

· The universally useful PCs are utilized for different purposes like messing around, watching recordings, doing investigate, performing computations, and so on

· These PCs perform various activities by utilizing distinctive software. The PCs that are utilized in homes, schools, and business focuses are broadly useful. PCs like journals, work areas, and tablets are instances of broadly useful PCs.

General-Purpose Computer

2. Special Purpose Computers:

· The particular reason PCs are intended for playing out a solitary errand.

· A set of directions are worked into the computer for performing explicit errands.

· These PCs are utilized for airport regulation, satellite tracking, etc.

Special Purpose Computer

Final Words:

Computers contain different software that makes up the algorithm-based instructions that are utilized for multiple purposes. These software programs serve dynamic objectives in various domains of life like health, education, communication, content creation, entertainment, garments, and it is just the tip of the iceberg.



Asiya Mazhar

Innovative Software Engineer & Project Manager driving tech advancements & business digital transformation.